I wrote an earlier review of this plant here on 10-4-21, and this is follow-up. The plants made it through the winter without problems, and quickly put out new shoots to three feet in length is Spring. Unfortunately, when we hit our hot May and June weather - very dry, day temps from 85-95 F in May and June - these plants required water once or twice a day to keep from wilting badly. They are in very large containers, but despite being moist, they cannot tolerate the dry heat here. I will try to get them through the season - they are putting out early flower buds now - but will not keep them for next season. I am considering trying Pycnanthemum tenuifolium next year, which reportedly does better is drier soils. This is still a great plant, but not for my summers.
Silver City, NM (6000 feet()
Outstanding plant
I ordered two of these, which were delivered in August. They were planted in 5 gallon buckets using Miracle Grow potting soil, and immediately began to grow. In one month, they had put out multiple stems of new beautiful green foliage. I will transplant them into larger containers next Spring, but they look like great plants.
Mark - Silver City, NM (6000 feet()