Love It (4/2/2016)
I had seen this plant while visiting the San Diego zoo and searched for it online. I found it here and purchased it last summer. I have it in a 14-inch pot. The first blooms came at the end of last summer and the hummingbird did go to it. During the winter I have brought the pot into the garage for the cold spells and brought it back out again for the mild spells. There are already two blooms on it this spring. It is quite a bit like the mimosa tree blossoms, but bright red instead of pink.

Kristin - Virginia Beach, Virginia
Love them (4/5/2014)
I've grown these in both Houston and Phoenix! They are so pretty! My bees LOVE them. I found them in vines in Arizona and they are growing very well along my wall.

Susanne - Arizona

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