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Conicle panicles adorned with numerous nearly 1" long, rich purple, foxglove-like flowers are produced in mid to late spring atop sturdy 20-30" high stems attracting bees, hummingbirds, and occasional butterflies. Gulf Coast Penstemon, Penstemon tenuis, is a rosette to small clump forming, herbaceous, native perennial typically found growing in or near consistently moist areas like along streams, rivers, floodplains, and at the edges of marshes or moist prairies. While it does prefer moisture it seems to be perfectly happy in an average moist soil in the garden or landscape and can also be maintained as a container plant as a specimen or in combinations. Gulf Coast Beardtongue is native mainly in Louisiana and Arkansas as well as western Mississippi and eastern Texas. Provide a full sun to partly shaded site, the latter of which may be beneficial especially in drier sites, in a moist to average moist fertile soil for optimum vigor and flowering. Item# 9158

Grows To: 20-30"H x 12-18"W space about 12" apart
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade

Gunsmoke Switchgrass

Panicum virgatum 'Gunsmoke'  PP32373

Steel blue spring and summer foliage is topped by nicely contrasting tan colored airy panicles in late summer and fall. In fall the foliage changes to yellow and finally beige creating winter interest and providing food, habitat, and nesting material for a variety of birds and other fauna. Gunsmoke is a selection of our native Switchgrass, Panicum virgatum, with an initially upright to vase shaped habit becoming rounded once flowering begins. This is a naturally clump-forming herbaceous perennial that is found throughout much of the US and into Canada, except for the westernmost states, and is a major component of the Tall Grass Prairies. Switchgrass was also used by native Americans to build long-lasting, rain resistant shelters. The foliage is a larval host to the Delaware Skipper, Arogos Skipper, Tawny Edged Skipper, Northern Pearly Eye, and Dotted Skippers. Adaptable to a wide variety of soil types and moisture regimes. Images courtesy of Walter's Gardens, Inc., all rights reserved. Item# 12305

Grows To: 4-5'H x 3'W space as close as 1-2' apart
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
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Hagiwara Everblooming Banana Magnolia, Banana Shrub

Magnolia figo 'Hagiwara Everblooming', Michelia figo, Magnolia fuscata, Magnolia annonifolia, Liriodendron figo  

A repeat flowering Banana Magnolia with a more intense sweet banana fragrance! Hagiwara Everblooming Banana Magnolia produces sweetly fragrant cupped soft yellow flowers for much of summer on this large evergreen shrub to small tree. Easy to grow and enjoy in most well-drained acidic soils. Caterpillar host: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and Western Tiger Swallowtail. Images shown are of typical Banana Magnolia flowers. Item# 11481

Grows To: 10-15'H x 8-12'W up to 20'H x 15'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
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Hairy Mountainmint, Whorled Mountainmint

Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosum  

Dense clusters of dainty white to lavender tubular flowers top the hairy blue-green to green fragrant foliage in summer. The small nectar rich flowers of Hairy Mountain Mint attract a wide variety of pollinators, and are especially important to native bees. This is a rhizomatous native perennial that will readily spread especially in moist soils. Hairy Mountainmint, Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosum, is native to the northcentral US, mainly Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Arkansas, eastern Tennessee, eastern Kentucky and as far south as northern Mississippi. It is typically found in moist, calcareous soils but can tolerate drier sites where it is less likely to spread aggressively. Item# 11763

Grows To: 2-3'H x 1-2'W and spreading, space at about 1' apart
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny

Hairy Sunflower, Rough Sunflower

Helianthus hirsutus, H. stenophyllus  

2-3" wide sunflowers with golden yellow to primrose yellow ray petals and yellow disc flowers are produced in summer to fall singly and in few-flowered clusters atop short sturdy stems attracting bees, butterflies, and other garden beneficials. The Hairy Sunflower, Helianthus hirsutus, is one of the smaller growing Sunflower species whose sturdy stems are adorned with opposite, lanceolate, rough feeling, deep green foliage and the leaf pairs sit at 90o to those above or below. In its native habitat, this is a 2-4' high, rhizomatous, colonizing, herbaceous, winter deciduous perennial that is typically found locally in dryish, sandy to loamy, well-drained soils in the Pineywoods but is found throughout much of the central and eastern US into Canada and northern Mexico. In rich fertile soils it is reported to grow as high as 5-7' and it may be at its best where it can be allowed to naturalize as in meadows, prairies, forest edges, and roadside plantings. The Hairy Sunflower is utilized as a caterpillar food source for the Painted Lady, Gorgone and Silvery Checkerspot butterflies, as well as some moth species. The flowers are an important nectar and pollen source for a variety of native bee species including both long and short-tongued bees. The ripened seeds are utilized by a variety of birds including Quail as well as small mammals. Item# 12634

Grows To: 2-4'(-7')H and slowly spreading
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 12

4-6" wide, white to pale pink flowers with a contrasting burgundy eye and showy staminal column are produced in summer along the 4-6' high stems attracting bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. The Halberdleaved Rosemallow, Hibiscus laevis, is a root hardy herbaceous native perennial Hibiscus producing multiple stems at maturity. It is typically found growing along freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams where it has an ample moisture supply and will likely prefer a similar, consistently moist, fertile soil in a full to mostly sunny site for optimum growth and vigor. This will be a good choice for bogs and rain gardens. The Halberdleaved Rosemallow is native to much of the central and eastern US and gets its name from its halberd shaped foliage. Caterpillar host: Gray hairstreak. Item# 12975

USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 5,6,7,8,9,10,(mulch in 5,6,7,8)
Grows To: 4-6'H x 2-4'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 2

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Halfway to Arkansas Blue Star, Amsonia

Amsonia 'Halfway to Arkansas'  

Earned 4 out of 4 stars in trials at Chicago Botanic Gardens! Dome shaped clusters, up to 5" wide, are composed of deep blue pointed buds that open to pale blue starry flowers and are produced in mid to late spring attracting butterflies, larger bees, hummingbirds, and hummingbird moths. Halfway to Arkansas Blue Star, an Intrinsic Perennials selection, is a clump forming, taprooted, herbaceous, native perennial with a dense bushy, almost neatly formal habit once mature and is cloaked in deep green, fine textured, narrow foliage that changes to gold tinged with purple in autumn. Amsonias or Blue Stars are tough, easy, heat and humidity loving, deer and rabbit resistant, and tolerate low fertility soils. Grow Halfway to Arkansas Blue Star in a full sun to partly shaded site and the plants will generally need more moisture or a quality organic mulch in hotter sunnier sites and can tolerate slightly drier conditions where they receive some shade during the heat of the day, while sunnier sites tend to offer the sturdiest growth and best flowering. Images courtesy of Intrinsic Perennials, all rights reserved. Item# 13332


USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 5,6,7,8,9,(3?,4?)
Grows To: 3-4'H x 4-5'W space at about 2' apart for a hedge or grouping
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
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Hallie Evergreen Azalea

Rhododendron x 'Hallie'  

Billowy, ruffly edged, double, purplish pink, 2-3" wide flowers are produced in early to midspring and are held against a foil of deep green, medium textured foliage with the flowers attracting bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and curious passersby. Hallie Evergreen Azalea is an unusual and uncommon Aromi hybrid that develops into a medium-sized, densely branched shrub. Azaleas do best in average moist, acidic soils that are rich in organic matter but have good to excellent drainage and should be top dressed with an organic mulch such as pine straw and pine bark. We recommend using a slow-release, non-burning fertilizer that is labeled for acidic loving plants. Images courtesy of Maarten Van der Giessen, Van der Giessens Nursery, all rights reserved. Item# 12572

Grows To: 4-6'H x 4-6'W
Outdoor Light: Part sun, Morning sun, Filtered shade, Part shade, Light shade, *Full sun

Hamabo Hibiscus

Hibiscus hamabo, H. tiliaceus var. hamabo  

3-5" wide primrose yellow flowers with a burgundy eye that quickly fade to orange and near red are produced in summer on this vigorous large shrub to small tree-like Hibiscus with glossy rounded foliage. The Hamabo Hibiscus is an unusual species from China that is salt tolerant and provides beautiful fall colors ranging from yellows to near reds before dropping its deciduous foliage for the winter. In zone 8, plant young plants out early in the growing season so that they will be reliably hardy for their first winter. Provide a full to mostly sunny site in a moderately fertile soil for optimum vigor and flowering. Caterpillar host: Gray hairstreak. Item# 11303

Grows To: 10-15'H x 10-15'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
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Hammer's Rose Cape Honeysuckle, Salmon Cape Honeysuckle

Tecoma capensis 'Hammer's Rose', Tecomaria capensis, Bignonia capensis, T. petersii  

Large clusters of deep salmon colored 2" long tubular flowers opening to display salmon-pink petals are produced in large clusters in summer and fall or nearly continuously throughout the year under frost free conditions. Hammer's Rose Cape Honeysuckle is an easy heat and sun loving tropical that can be grown as a medium to large arching shrub or hedge, vine or espalier, and can be trained into tree standards. The tubular flowers are a treat for hummingbirds and larger butterflies. Where not hardy, Cape Honeysuckle it is easily maintained as a container plant. Provide a full to mostly sunny location in a rich fertile soil for maximum flowering and vigor. Item#11790

Grows To: 4-6'H x 4-6'W, to 20' as a vine in frost free climates.
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
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Hardy Peach Ginger, Narrow-Leaf Ginger

Hedychium coccineum var. angustifolium 'Peach', H. angustifolium  

Spikes of lightly fragrant peachy-pink butterfly-shaped flowers are produced in summer atop sturdy stems adorned in rich green tropical looking foliage in mid to late summer. The flowers attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and likely pollinating Sphinx Moths as well. The Hardy Peach Ginger, Hedychium coccineum var. angustifolium 'Peach', is a moderately vigorous, rhizomatous, naturally evergreen tropical that acts like a root hardy die-back perennial in areas where freezes occur. It multiplies readily but not invasively. Makes a good cut flower and is resistant to browsing by deer and rabbits. The Hedychium Gingers typically need the equivalent of about 4-6 hours of cool sunlight in a moist to average moist, rich fertile soil with average or better drainage for optimum vigor and flowering. An organic mulch with all of its many benefits is highly recommended especially for new plantings and in zones 7-8. Item# 10032

Grows To: 5-7'H, space at about 1-2' apart
Outdoor Light: AM sun, Part shade, Part sun, *Mostly sunny, *Full sun
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 43
Was: $14.99

Hardy Red Gloxinia, Sinningia

Sinningia sellovii, Gesneria sellovii  

Arching loose spikes of dangling orange-red, 1" long tubular flowers are born over an extended period in summer on this durable perennial. The flowers may be produced nearly year round under warm frost free conditions. This truly hardy Gloxinia is a hummingbird magnet that attracts a variety of bees and butterflies as well! Velvety, rich green, quilted foliage adorns the upright to arching stems of this hardy perennial that grows from a large fuzzy potato-like corm. Provide excellent drainage and moderate amounts of sunlight for the best results. Mulch in winter to protect the corm from freeze damage or grow as an easy and low maintenance container plant. Click the "More Details & Growing Info" or the plant's image to see additional flower colors. Item# 10516.

USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 7B,8,9,10,11,(7A?)
Grows To: 2-3'H x 2-3'W
Outdoor Light: Sun, Part sun, AM sun, Part shade, Light shade
2.25 inch Pot / 9.7 fl.oz. / 287 ml
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Hawaiian Snowbush

Breynia nivosa  

Beautiful variegated foliage with lots of white leaf coloration. Compact grower. Really will brighten those shady spots. Can be grown in sun or shade. Item# 453

Grows To: 2'H x 2'W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade, Light shade
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 29

The Heart Leaf Hoya is a vigorous succulent climber with large heart-shaped fleshy, smooth, dark-green leaves up to 3" long. From late spring to autumn, bears dense umbels up to 2 1/2 " across of 20, creamy white, star-shaped, waxy, scented flowers. Unusual and the perfect gift for that special someone who enjoys plants. Easy to grow in a sharply draining soil, in moderate shade or high indirect light. Item# 796

Grows To: 8'H
Outdoor Light: Light shade

Heart of the Jungle® Elephant Ear

Colocasia esculenta 'Heart of the Jungle'  (Trademarked)

Won numerous Top Performer trial awards across the US in 2020 as an annual! The large tropical looking new foliage emerges a deep bluish green maturing to rich deep green with a matte finish and are held atop deep purple to near black stems. Heart of the Jungle® Elephant Ear or Colocasia is a naturally evergreen, rhizomatous tropical that acts like a die-back perennial in zones 8-9 returning from the roots and crown in spring. This cultivar does produce runners in late summer to fall which can be removed to prevent spreading it can also be enjoyed as a container plant. Be sure to dispose of any plant parts responsibly to ensure that it does not escape. Elephant Ears grow best in a moist to wet, fertile soil in a full to mostly sunny site. Photos courtesy of Proven Winners©, www.provenwinners.com, all rights reserved. Item# 12883

Grows To: 3-5'H+ x 2-4'W and spreading.
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade
PW 4.25 inch Grande Pot / 27 fl.oz. / 831 ml
Currently In Stock: 17

HEARTLAND™ Blue Moon Lantana

Lantana 'HEARTLAND™ Blue Moon'  PPAF?

The large rounded clusters of peach colored buds open to yellow tones and quickly mature into a medium purplish pink. HEARTLAND™ Blue Moon Lantana is a new more vigorous cousin to the HAVANA™ series growing to about 18-24" high and wide making these great choices for colorful containers as well as in the garden and landscape. This series is a better choice for a smaller growing Lantana where growing seasons tend to be cooler and shorter. The HEARTLAND™ Lantana series are nearly sterile producing almost no fruit or viable seed thus these plants can spend their energy on flower and nectar production. They start flowering earlier giving you a longer season of color from spring into fall attracting a myriad of pollinators throughout the growing season. Provide a full to mostly sunny site in a fertile, average moist soil for optimum vigor and continuous flowering. Images courtesy of Dümmen Orange, all rights reserved. Item# 13311

Grows To: 18-24"H x 18-24"W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 35
Was: $9.99

HEARTLAND™ Neon Lantana

Lantana 'HEARTLAND™ Neon'  PPAF?

The large rounded clusters of flowers open a bright yellow and quickly deepen through shades of orange and red into magenta and purple tones. HEARTLAND™ Neon Lantana is a new more vigorous cousin to the HAVANA™ series growing to about 18-24" high and wide making these great choices for colorful containers as well as in the garden and landscape. This series is a better choice for a smaller growing Lantana where growing seasons tend to be cooler and shorter. The HEARTLAND™ Lantana series are nearly sterile producing almost no fruit or viable seed thus these plants can spend their energy on flower and nectar production. They start flowering earlier giving you a longer season of color from spring into fall attracting a myriad of pollinators throughout the growing season. Provide a full to mostly sunny site in a fertile, average moist soil for optimum vigor and continuous flowering. Item# 12813

Grows To: 18-24"H x 18-24"W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun

HEARTLAND™ Really Red Lantana

Lantana 'HEARTLAND™ Really Red'  PPAF?

The large rounded clusters of flowers open a golden yellow and quickly deepen through shades of orange into fiery reds. HEARTLAND™ Really Red Lantana is a new more vigorous cousin to the HAVANA™ series growing to about 18-24" high and wide making these great choices for colorful containers as well as in the garden and landscape. This series is a better choice for a smaller growing Lantana where growing seasons tend to be cooler and shorter. The HEARTLAND™ Lantana series are nearly sterile producing almost no fruit or viable seed thus these plants can spend their energy on flower and nectar production. They start flowering earlier giving you a longer season of color from spring into fall attracting a myriad of pollinators throughout the growing season. Provide a full to mostly sunny site in a fertile, average moist soil for optimum vigor and continuous flowering. Images courtesy of Dümmen Orange, all rights reserved. Item# 12814

Grows To: 18-24"H x 18-24"W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun

HEARTLAND™ Sunset 2024 Lantana

Lantana 'HEARTLAND™ Sunset 2024'  PPAF?

The rounded clusters of flowers open a deep yellow and quickly deepen through shades of orange and finally maturing into pink tones. HEARTLAND™ Sunset 2024 Lantana is a new more vigorous cousin to the HAVANA™ series growing to about 18-24" high and wide making these great choices for colorful containers as well as in the garden and landscape. This series is a better choice for a smaller growing Lantana where growing seasons tend to be cooler and shorter. The HEARTLAND™ Lantana series are nearly sterile producing almost no fruit or viable seed thus these plants can spend their energy on flower and nectar production. They start flowering earlier giving you a longer season of color from spring into fall attracting a myriad of pollinators throughout the growing season. Provide a full to mostly sunny site in a fertile, average moist soil for optimum vigor and continuous flowering. Item# 13312

Grows To: 18-24"H x 18-24"W
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
Currently In Stock: 37
Was: $9.99

Heaven Scent Tahitian Gardenia, Star of Tahiti, Tiare

Gardenia taitensis 'Heaven Scent'  

An extremely rare form of the Tahitian Gardenia with double flowers. The Tahitian Gardenia boasts some of the largest flowers in the genus Gardenia with flowers up to 5" wide. Large rounded dark green tropical foliage adorns the stems of this evergreen tropical shrub. Plant out of doors only in the mildest climates while it still makes an easy container plant in cooler regions. Item# 9977.

Grows To: 4-6'H+ x 4-6'W+
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun
3.5 inch Pot / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
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Heavy Metal Switchgrass

Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'  

Steely blue-gray spring and summer foliage is topped by nicely contrasting tan colored airy panicles in late summer and fall. In fall the foliage changes to yellow and finally beige creating winter interest and providing food, habitat, and nesting material for a variety of birds and other fauna. Heavy Metal Switchgrass, a selection of the native Panicum virgatum, with an with a strongly upright, columnar, dense habit that remains upright even through heavy rains. This is a naturally clump-forming herbaceous perennial that is found throughout much of the US and into Canada, except for the westernmost states, and is a major component of the Tall Grass Prairies. Switchgrass was also used by native Americans to build long-lasting, rain resistant shelters. The foliage is a larval host to the Delaware Skipper, Arogos Skipper, Tawny Edged Skipper, Northern Pearly Eye, and Dotted Skippers. Adaptable to a wide variety of soil types and moisture regimes. Item# 12854

Grows To: 4-5'H x 1-2'W space as close as 1' apart
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
Currently In Stock: 10

Helen Bower Variegated Camellia

Camellia japonica 'Helen Bower Variegated'  

A highly sought after, show winning Camellia whose large, rose form to formal double flowers can range from rosy pink to rich rose red marbled and flecked with white. The plant is vigorous with a broadly spreading to upright habit and beautifully serrated, dark green, glossy foliage. Helen Bower Variegated Camellia flowers from mid-late season. Item# 10847.

Grows To: 8-12'H x 6-10'W
Outdoor Light: AM sun, Part sun, Part shade, Filtered shade, Light shade
4.5 inch Pot / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
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Helen Fredel Cross Vine

Bignonia capreolata atrosanguinea 'Helen Fredel'  

Texas big blooms are a hallmark of this rich orange flowered crossvine. This is an absolute show stopper when in full bloom! Produces a huge mass of 2-1/2" orange trumpets with yellow throats in late spring with some flowers throughout summer. A vigorous and disease free southern native. 'Helen Fredel' is another excellent introduction from noted Texas horticulturist and author Greg Grant. Attracts hummingbirds and other pollinators. Item# 9576.

Grows To: 30-50'H, easily trained to a 6'H fence or other support.
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade, Part sun

Helmet Skullcap, Helmet Flower, Hyssop Skullcap, Large Skullcap, Rough Skullcap

Scutellaria integrifolia, S. incana ssp. hispida  

Spikes up to 16-20" high are topped by clusters of tubular blue to blue-violet flowers with a contrasting white bee-guide are produced beginning as early as late spring but mainly in summer, occasionally into fall, and attract a variety of native bees along with larger butterflies. Helmet Skullcap, Scutellaria integrifolia, is a small, 12-20" high, clump forming to short rhizomatous perennial native from East Texas, all along the Gulf Coast and up the Eastern Seaboard into southern Massachussets and New York. This is a common component of the brightly lit understory in the Pineywoods and locally we typically see it in dryer or mesic uplands including hardwood and pineforests in well-drained loamy and sandy soils as well as in more moist sunnier sites. Provide a full sun to partly shaded site in a well-drained soil for optimum vigor and flowering. May reseed on exposed soils. Item# 12769

Grows To: 12-20"H x 12"W space about 12" apart
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade

Conicle panicles adorned with numerous nearly 1" long, rich purple, foxglove-like flowers are produced in mid to late spring atop sturdy 20-30" high stems attracting bees, hummingbirds, and occasional butterflies. Gulf Coast Penstemon, Penstemon tenuis, is a rosette to small clump forming, herbaceous, native perennial typically found growing in or near consistently moist areas like along streams, rivers, floodplains, and at the edges of marshes or moist prairies. While it does prefer moisture it seems to be perfectly happy in an average moist soil in the garden or landscape and can also be maintained as a container plant as a specimen or in combinations. Gulf Coast Beardtongue is native mainly in Louisiana and Arkansas as well as western Mississippi and eastern Texas. Provide a full sun to partly shaded site, the latter of which may be beneficial especially in drier sites, in a moist to average moist fertile soil for optimum vigor and flowering. Item# 9158

Grows To: 20-30"H x 12-18"W space about 12" apart
Outdoor Light: Full sun, Mostly sunny, Part shade

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